This was us after a very rough 8 hr flight from LA to Lima, followed by a domestic flight from Lima to Cusco...only then to be followed by a 2 hr bus ride into Sacred Valley.
It all sounds so exotic and adventurous! And it truly was, just a very memorable adventure. I was so proud of my 3 year old who took naps whenever and wherever she felt the need for one. Nothing phased her, not the people on the bus, now the chatter, music, passing cars, even fireworks! She has been sleep trained since she was 7 months old and was very well aware of her independent sleep skills.
I worried how the travel day might affect her mood and nighttime sleep, but this beautiful 2 hour nap really helped to pull things together and extend her wake window until bedtime. Me being the overprotective mama bear, tried making her comfortable and covering her ears with my hand; quite soon I realized that all of that didn't really matter because once she started sleeping, she was OUT.
Toddlers are strange and difficult, beautiful, loving, mean and always dirty :) This little girl is so resilient, whether to physical stimuli or mental. I am so proud of how well she handled this big trip, and I am proud of myself for giving her the gift of sleep at an early age. Empowering her to become independent in her sleeping skills, being able to sleep in most situations and knowing when she needed to rest.
Life doesn't stop and it doesn't have to completely change your way of life. If you're a family that loves to travel and explore, help your kiddo learn how to fall asleep independently. Empower them with all the tools to be able to handle middle of the night wakings, and once that is solid, go out and explore the world together.